2024 Candidate Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this candidate questionnaire. Your response is an important element of the political education process for members of the Michigan Realtors®.

Legislative Chamber

Legislative District

Cell Phone

Email Address

Political Party Affiliation


Previous Public Offices Held

Reason(s) For Seeking This Office

As of your last campaign filing, how much has your campaign raised?

How much cash does your campaign have on hand?

How much have you personally contributed to your own campaign?

Would you welcome financial support and/or endorsement of the REALTORS® Association (RPAC)?

How many volunteers are actively involved right now in your campaign?

Please list the endorsements you have received from other organizations:

Why should REALTORS® support you?

Are any of your family, friends, or business associates REALTOR® members? If yes, what are the names of your top three go-to REALTOR® professionals?

Campaign Manager

Campaign Manager Phone

Campaign Manager Email

If elected, or re-elected, what will be your top priority?

There is a housing shortage in Michigan, including a lack of workforce/attainable housing. What role do you see for the state in addressing issues like a shortage of skilled labor, costly local regulations, and site readiness and incentives?

Are there benefits to licensing professions, such as real estate? Do you believe that professional licensure is a barrier to job growth in Michigan?

Do you support a sales tax on services?

Should a local government be allowed to use zoning to ban the rental of a residential property on a short-term basis (any period less than 28 days)?

How do you feel about government mandated inspections at the time a home is sold for items such as energy efficiency, lead paint, or the condition of a well or septic system?

Michigan is the only state without a statewide septic code. REALTORS® across Michigan must deal with a variety of local ordinances pertaining to septic systems and their inspection at the time of sale or transfer of a home, with no consistent definition of failure or defined inspection protocol. Would you support the creation of a statewide septic code to create uniformity in regulation including statewide approval of alternative septic systems (something beyond a simple tank and field system)?

The real estate industry in Michigan relies heavily on independent contractor agreements between real estate brokers and their agents, and real estate appraisers and appraisal management companies. This relationship is important to REALTORS® that want to build their own brand and reputation, set their own hours, and not be tied to an office. Michigan’s real estate licensing law also defines this independent contractor relationship along with broker supervision requirements.

There are currently efforts underway in the Michigan Legislature to establish a test to determine whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor. The test is heavily weighted towards the presumption that most workers in Michigan should be classified as employees. What is your opinion on this legislation? If you are in favor, do you see room for exceptions to the test?

Since the 1980’s state law has prohibited local rent control ordinances based on its history of increasing housing prices by restricting supply and discouraging development. Michigan already faces a housing shortage and affordability challenges due to a lack of building. Inflation has also increased costs of goods and services on everyone. What is your opinion on removing the prohibition on local rent control ordinances and opinion on rent control overall?